How “Borderlands 3” works

Mochamad Kautsar Fadhilah
7 min readJul 27, 2020


image taken from

Borderlands 3 is a shlooter (which means you shoot, you got loot) type of game by Gearbox Software. The game was first released on 13 September 2019 for Microsoft Windows (only available from epic games), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, on 30 October 2019 for Apple macOS and on 13 March 2020 the game is released on Steam.

About Borderlands 3 (Spoiler alert for the second game) it follows after you finally put down Handsome Jack to rest, 7 years passed now the gang with the help of the new Vault Hunters have to deal with a new threat or our main antagonist of this game called The Calypso Twins, leaders of the Children of the Vault cult. In every borderlands game we always get a set of new 4 Vault Hunters. Each Vault Hunters got their own unique set of skills and get to choose one main skill for their set of style. One is a six-arm wizard, a robot with a heart of gold, an old hitman who’s got a deadly drone, and an ex-soldier with a powerful mech. Well let’s meet them shall we?

Moze with the Iron Bear Mech, Image taken from

First of the list we got Moze the Gunner, her main skill is to summon an Iron Bear Mech. All of Moze’s action skills are weapons that can be equipped on Iron Bear in various combinations, to be precise there are 3 changeable main weapon a Railgun, Minigun, V-35 Grenade Launcher. The railgun fires electrified high-velocity projectiles that deal Shock Damage. The Minigun is capable of sustained rapid fire and firing for long periods causes the Minigun to overheat, rendering it inoperable for a few seconds. And the V-35 Grenade Launcher is a semi-automatic grenade launcher, and its grenades are not affected by Moze’s equipped grenade mod. Compared to the other gunner class from the previous games, Moze has more mobility and usefull skills for co-op situations. For those who likes shrugging off damage and demolishing foes with giant explosive attacks no one is better than Moze her self.

Zane with a digi-clone, Image taken from

Second is none other than Zane the Operative. Unlike the other Vault Hunters Zane can choose 2 main skills with a sacrifice of the grenade slot, like they always say “beggars can’t be choosers”. Anyway his 3 main skills are digi-clone, SNTNL, Barrier. The Digi-clone is a.. well a clone, what did you expect, but on a more serious note this digi-clone can distract and fires at enemies. The SNTNL is an automated drone that continually flies through the environment and attacks enemies with its Machine Guns. The Barrier is a drop and deployable Barrier that blocks incoming projectiles which we can shoot through, dealing increased Gun Damage and other elemental damage. For those who likes to play stealthy, Zane is your man.

FL4K using Rakk Attack, Image from

Our third stop is FL4K the Beastmaster, not only his got 3 main skills to choose but also 3 different pets. First is FL4K sends forward 2 Rakk to dive-bomb enemies. Second FL4K creates a Rift at a target location, teleporting their pet through the Rift and dealing Radiation Damage to nearby enemies. Third is cloaks, which can turn FL4K into invisible and each shot is automatically a Critical Hit. As for the pets there is a Jabber Sidekick who uses a gun so it can attack ground and flying enemies,then we got a Spiderant Centurion who specialized charging into enemies, and lastly there is a Guard Skag who can vomit a bowl of acid to the enemies. For those who likes a companion within their gameplay than FL4K is the one.

Amara using Phasecast, Image taken from

Last but not least we got Amara the Siren. Siren has special place in this universe because there is only 6 sirens that can exist at any given time. Anyway her 3 main skills are Phasecast, Phasegrab, and Phaseslam. Phasecast, Amara sends forward an Astral Projection of herself, dealing damage to everything in its path. Phasegrab, Amara summons a giant fist that bursts from the ground and locks the targeted enemy in place for a few seconds. Phaseslam, Amara leaps into the air and Slams the ground, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and knocking them up. Basically if you are the melee with a high damage type of guy then Amara is your girl.

As a FPS (First Person Shooter) game, this third installment has brought many new features that cranks the experience of “Borderlands” to the max. One of those features is Sliding, where you can slide your way through enemies and covers and Mantling, where you can easily climb to places. Most of the guns have an alternate firing modes, for instance you can have pistol that can change into a bazooka or a sniper rifle that can turn into a shotgun or even when you reload your SMG it turns into a turret with legs, it’s really bizarre yet so great. Both major and background NPCs can revive you in battle. Tired of getting a good loot but for some reason it has fallen to deep into the abyss, well now you can grab that loot trough the Lost Loot Machine. Loot Instancing is an optional feature, which we will discuss in the next paragraph.

When you are playing the game for the first time, you’ll get a choice as to how loot is shared out in your teammates. This applies to any multiplayer sessions you have, and you’ll want to take note of what each mode does. So there are 2 modes to play Borderlands 3 to be more precise there are 2 loot system in this game. First is the cooperation mode where every bit of loot you find is instanced in your game, meaning your teammates cannot take it. And you can play with anyone of any level at any time. Second is the coopetition mode where the game is scaled to the level of the player that is hosting the game. And you and your teammates is racing for the loot. If you are still a beginner at this franchise and don’t know which to choose, don’t worry you can always change this option later on in the game.

In Borderlands 3 there are 3 things that determines player progression. Player level, guardian rank and mayhem mode. Player level is the most basic of them all, you can increase your player level by gaining xp (experience). And how to gain those xp? Simple just shoot a lot of enemies and make sure their hp (health points) goes down to zero. The current player level cap is level 57 this will later be increase by the time the next DLC comes. Each time you level-up you gain skill points that can be spend to enhanced your abilities or even gain new abilities either way it’s yours to decide.

screenshot of the player level

Guardian Rank is a new addition in this installment. It’s unlocked when you completed the main story of Borderlands 3. Levelling up your Guardian Rank will allow you to invest in a variety of Bonus Stats, which will give you an advantage over your enemies, especially if your playing in Mayhem Mode.Alongside the Bonus Stats, you can also receive special rewards if you invest enough Guardian Tokens into a specific set of Bonus Stats. There are 3 set of bonus stats, there is Hunter (Luck), Enforcer (damage), and survivor (defense).

screenshot of the Guardian Rank

Lastly we got Mayhem Mode 2.0 and this one is also unlocked after you completed the main story of Borderlands 3. Mayhem Mode has 10 difficulty with each tier getting more harder and unbeatable .Mayhem Mode allows you to apply a selection of random modifiers to your post-end Borderlands 3 save file. These modifiers may make your enemies more dangerous, but they will increase your chances of finding rare loot and the amount of XP you receive. Even though the higher your tier the stronger your opponent gets, you will also receive stronger guns, more XP, and definitely more cash to battle those whose opposes you. Mayhem Mode modifiers can be re-roll so it can be a less challenging without spending anything to re-roll it with.

screenshot of the Mayhem Mode

Event though there are still many things we haven’t touch on, i think this can conclude of how “Borderlands 3” Basically works. With choosing your Vault Hunters being the basic principle of how things works in this game. Then players will continue to find more enemies and more loot to be find and collect thus making the “Borderlands” experience to be more enjoyable.

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